What is the meaning of mirror hours from 00:00 to 05:05am?

Standing at the crossroads of numerology and astrology, you can find the strange phenomenon of the mirror hours. Are they random? Do they hold deeper meaning? Here you will find a few elements unveiling the meaning of double hours from 00:00 to 05:05am.
Mirror hour: 00:00
An important event might happen soon, but you will need to be patient before you can enjoy it. If you know what it is, be sure to get ready for it. If not, keep an open mind so that you might see it for what it is when it happens.
You might be suffering from someone’s absence. Give it a little time, because that person might get back to you. If that person has passed away, pray for them and keep them in your thoughts. That person might be sending you messages on a regular basis.
Double hour 01:01am
You might be suffering from loneliness. Do not despair, but use that opportunity to take stock of your situation and find new and innovative solutions to your problems.
Above all, do not become withdrawn but open yourself to the universe and its myriad of possibilities, most notably by thinking positive thoughts.
Mirror hour: 02:02am
A problem might arise with someone close to you. If you try to smooth things over and to be accommodating, you could easily solve it. If you are at fault, do not be stubborn and admit it.
You need to confront someone or join forces with them in order to assert your personality. In the 1st case, you should stand your ground. In the 2nd case, show that person what they have to gain if they stood on your side.
Double hour: 03:03am
You should improve or make use of your communication skills. Indeed, you might need them to move forward in your existence, whether it is:
- to achieve harmony in love
- to be lucky
- to earn more money
You should have many new ideas to clear a few situations that had been stuck so far.
Mirror hour: 04:04am
You should benefit from great psychic or physical health. Indeed, you will be under good astrological influences that will enable you to improve your well-being.
Your projects should also be facilitated thanks to meetings and opportunities that should allow you to improve your financial situation and gain some influence.
Double hour: 05:05am
Positive vibrations should give you the energy and willpower you need to further your activities. You should also benefit from a strong magnetism to convince other people to help you, to become your partners, or to offer all kinds of help.
The upcoming period will be in your favor if you want to improve your knowledge or share it with others. You should indeed share your knowledge and your joy and let others benefit from your skills.
In order to further the analysis of mirror hours, please read about the meaning of those:
- 06:06am to 11:11am on this special page dedicated to that topic
- 12:12pm to 05:05pm
- 06:06pm to 11:11pm