Calculating the love compatibility of your couple

Here you can find the three numerological methods that will allow you to learn more about the love compatibility of your couple. Your first and last names will indeed unveil a lot of information about love in your relationship. In order to assess the harmony of your relationship you simply need to perform some numerological calculations using your first names and refer to the interpretation charts.
Calculating the numerological love compatibility of your couple thanks to your first and last names
First step: calculating your soul urge number and that of your significant other
Calculating the soul urge number consists in adding together the vowels from the first and last names, and reducing it into a number between 1 and 9.
The numerology of names postulates that our last name and our first name can be transcribed as numbers. Every letter of the alphabet is thus matched with a number between 1 and 9 (see table below).
Numerological transcription table
Let us say your name is John Smith. Your soul urge number will be the sum of the vowels from your first and last names, reduced to a number between 1 and 9 (see table above):
O + I = 6 + 9 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6
The soul urge number of JOHN SMITH is 6
Now let us pretend that the person you are interested in is called Jane Random. Her soul urge number will be the sum of the vowels from her first and last names, reduced to a number between 1 and 9 (see table above):
A + E + A + O = 1 + 5 + 1 + 6 = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4
Second step: calculating the love compatibility of your couple
Refer to the table below to calculate your love compatibility percentage. The first vertical column represents you while the first horizontal row represents the other person.
Numerological love compatibility table
If we take your soul urge number, 6, and that of your potential companion, 4, the intersection of the number 6 from the vertical column on the left and the number 4 from the horizontal row on the above table gives you a numerological love affinity of 75%.
As far as numerology is concerned, you can start making plans for the future!
Numerological compatibility of physical attraction
The numerological compatibility of physical attraction measures your potential to be physically attracted to one another. To do so, you use the personal number.
First step: calculating your personal number and that of your significant other
Calculating the personal number consists in adding the numerical value of the consonants of the first and last names and translating it into a number between 1 and 9.
If we keep the name John Smith
The personal number of your first name + last name combination is:
J +H + N + S + M + T + H (see numerological transcription table above)
1 + 8 + 5 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 8 = 29 = 2 + 9 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2
For your significant other, Jane Random,
The personal number of her first name + last name combination is:
J + N + R + N + D + M (see numerological transcription table above)
1 + 5 + 9 + 5 + 4 + 4 = 28 = 2 + 8 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1
Second step: calculating the compatibility of physical attraction of the couple
Refer to the table below to calculate your percentage of physical affinity. The vertical column on the left represents you; the horizontal top row represents the other person.
Numerological compatibility of physical attraction of the couple table
If we take your personal number in numerology, 2, and that of your person of interest, 1, the intersection of the number 2 from the vertical column on the left and the number 1 from the horizontal row, you find a physical attraction of 55%.
Numerological compatibility of life together
This method consists in evaluating the compatibility of life together for your couple. It measures whether you will share a lot of things together (a thriving life together) or lead very different activities.
First step: calculating your expression number and that of your significant other
Calculating the expression number consists in adding the numerical values of vowels and consonants from the first and last names, then reducing it into a number between 1 and 9.
There is a shortcut to avoid lengthy calculations. You simply add the two previous measures: the soul urge number of love compatibility and the personal number of physical compatibility.
If your name is John Smith,
Your expression number is: 6 (your soul urge number) + 2 (your personal number) = 8
If the name of your significant other is Jane Random
Her expression number is: 4 (her soul urge number) + 1 (her personal number) = 5
Second step: calculating the compatibility of life together
Refer to the table below to calculate your percentage of compatibility of life together. The vertical column on the left represents you; the horizontal top row represents the other person.
Numerological Compatibility of life together table
If we take your numerological expression number, 8, and that of your person of interest, 5, the intersection of the number 8 from the vertical column on the left and the number 5 from the horizontal row on the above table gives you a compatibility of life together of 55%.
Now compare your percentages of love compatibility of your couple, of physical attraction and of life together and you will have a better idea of what awaits you with that person. Now you can decide whether or not to follow through with that relationship.