Oomancy, a surprising reading tool

It is one of the most “unprecedented” divinatory methods: oomancy is an ancestral art that is still practiced today. Can you imagine that a simple egg is able to unveil the future?
What is oomancy?
Oomancy, or "ooscopy", or even "ovomancy" is a divinatory art that consists in predicting the future by examining an egg (usually egg white).
According to legend, this form of divination was created by Orpheus, one of the most popular and romantic heroes of Greek mythology.
Orpheus was endowed with an artistic sense that was out of the ordinary and that could charm any human being who would listen to him with his lyre. But his talents went beyond that: he was considered to be a magician or a sorcerer with mysterious powers.
This is then no surprise that legend links him to oomancy. This ancestral divinatory practice has evolved a lot since the day it saw the light of day.
Indeed, several centuries ago, oomancy or the oomancer (the person who practices oomancy) used eggs, their characteristics, and forms as tools.
Today, oomancers only use egg white to draw up their predictions.
What does oomancy consist of?
Nowadays, this reading method, first of all, consists in preparing a glass (preferably made of crystal) half filled with water. A few grains of coarse salt must then be added.
The egg used for divination must be fresh and ideally laid the day before, not on the day of the divination (because it must rest for 24 hours before being used as a reading tool).
The oomancer breaks the egg and lets egg white drop in the glass of water. He will then interpret the forms that appear in it.
In the olden days, this method of divination was practiced more in the countryside, of course. Fresh eggs abounded and any grandmother was able to easily try their hands at this form of reading by interpreting egg whites.
The most ancient form of oomancy that consists of using the entire egg still exists today but is little used. It consists in interpreting:
- the form of the shell,
- it's colors,
- its rough parts,
which is much more complex. One must be extremely experienced and the risks of getting wrong predictions are much greater.